Sync with Strava

Datum: 14/02/2023 Autor: Sicami

Importation of activities from Strava

In this article, we will explain how to import into Sicami activities those you already have in Strava.

There are two ways to do it:

1. Manually: selecting the path we want to download.

2. Automatically: we configure so that Strava activities are automatically downloaded to your Sicami account.

In both cases it is necessary to previously have an account in Sicami, if you still do not have one, sign up at: Register.

It is also important to indicate that the privacy that you have specified in Strava is the one that will be used in Sicami. If an activity in Strava is public, in Sicami it will also be so.

Demonstration videos

1. Manually: selecting the path we want to download

The following video explains how to do it:

How to download activities from Strava manually


2. Automatically: we configure so that Strava activities are automatically downloaded to your Sicami account.

Sicami will check every 15 - 30 minutes approximately if you have new activities to download in your Sicami account.

The following video explains how to do it:

How to import activities from Strava automatically

Sicami Tracks - Start