Sicami Tracks Information

SICAMI TRACKS is a web and Android application that allows you to store and analyse your sports and outdoor activities (running, hiking, cycling, etc.). You can import your activities from Oruxmaps, Strava, GPX file, TCX, KML, KMZ and so you can have all your sport or route information in one place.

Sicami is free.

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Your privacy

You can choose the level of privacy of your activities and routes. More Information in User Guide

We protect your privacy. For the routes that you make public, when they are seen by people other than you or one of your friends, neither the first nor the last meters will be shown, so that nobody can find out your address.

Your plans…

Plan your route by analyzing the route in detail to discover the most difficult sections, due to their slope or altitude, and those where you can regain strength. More information on this link Plans

To organize a route for cycling, hiking, running, etc., prior planning at home is recommended to avoid problems or setbacks. More information in Guide for a safe route

Connection with other platforms

Strava , you can import activities that you already have in strava to be able to analyze them from Sicami Tracks.

Oruxmaps , we are integrating the many options that Oruxmaps offers with our website. You can upload your tracks from Oruxmaps to Sicami and you can also download from Oruxmaps tracks that are in Sicami.


With SICAMI you will have details of the activities that you have planned to carry out or those that you have already carried out.

You will also have statistics of your activities, you can select the period for which you want to see the information. You can go to the statistics section by clicking on this link Statistics


Add photos and comments to your routes, tell about your experience and provide information of interest to all those who want to travel it.
Find out before making a route by reading the comments and opinions of other users and seeing the rating you have obtained according to the evaluations received. 

Knowing the opinion of the rest of the users will allow you to choose the route that best suits your state of form, the time available or the planning of your training.
Evaluate and score your routes according to your experience and help other users in their planning. 

Real-time location

Use the Real Time Map to know the current location of your colleagues or to share yours with a family member or friend, so that no one is left behind! 

You will be able to let whoever you want know your location at any time, this will give you extra security before any unforeseen event.