Visibility, ratings, comments and friends

Datum: 19/11/2022 Autor: Sicami

Plan and share

Share your routes with your friends and plan activities with them. It will be more fun, more motivating and it will also provide you with security in the event of any eventuality along the way.

Add photos and comments to your routes, tell about your experience and provide information of interest to all those who want to travel it.


Find out before making a route by reading the comments and opinions of other users and seeing the rating you have obtained according to the evaluations received.

Knowing the opinion of the rest of the users will allow you to choose the route that best suits your state of form, the time available or the planning of your training.


Evaluate and score your routes according to your experience and help other users in their planning.

Ejemplo de puntuación


When you make a route or prepare a plan, you can assign it three levels of privacy / visibility:

Private: Only you can see it

Friends: Can be seen by your friends

Public: Anyone with a Sicami account can see it


Real Time Map

Puedes utilizarel Real Time Map to know the current location of your companions, so that no one is left behind!

Ejemplo de Mapa en Tiempo real

From the real-time map you can select the friends whose location you want to see in the side panel by selecting the ones you want.

The Map in real time is also very useful when you go out alone, without company, and you want someone who has access to your Sicami account to be able to see your location at all times in case they need to help you at any time.



Sicami Tracks - Start