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News and Updates from Sicami Tracks
Questions, suggestions and bug reports can be sent to us by e-mail: and Telegram
- Added the ability to import/load TCX files.
- Added new type of activity "Gravel", both in Sicami and Oruxmaps.
- Corrections in Waypoints editing.
- The real-time map is prepared to receive more information from Oruxmpas. When you click on the person's icon, we will see values such as speed, phone coverage, battery level, etc., as well as a message that that person can write from their mobile phone. . This feature is currently only available in Beta versions of Oruxmaps dated after 06/18/2024.
- Change in the way of calculating ascending and descending time visible in the Route Analysis.
- From this moment on, the default real-time map shows the route followed by the people/friends who are sharing their location with us.
- Correction of various minor errors.
- In the user profile options "Modify my data", tab "Sport" you can now adjust the power percentage for the estimated cycling times. For the same purpose it is also possible to set a reference speed for each user for walking routes.
- You can also specify the heart rate zones, so that you can see the new heart rate zone graph in "Detailed activity analysis".
- Fixed possible error when reversing the direction of routes from the Route Designer.
- Added the option to see the estimated duration of a route (right now only available for bicycles)
- Added route map option to search by area name, city, etc.
- This search option has also been added to the track display screen, accessed by pressing the More button
- Changes in Catalog display.
- Internal changes for SEO purposes.
- From today the waypoints of route indications from Oruxmaps are shown in Sicami.
- Also a possible problem has been solved, when sending a route to Oruxmaps these waypoints of route indications were not being shown.
- With the intention of showing a higher quality content, from today, in the screen to see Public Activities and Plans, when you enter, the activities or plans that do not have an image or description will not be shown. To see everything as before you can click on the Search button and uncheck the box we have added for this function.
- This means that if you want the activities or plans you set as public to be easily viewed by others you will need to add a description or image.
- In addition to the above, only activities and plans from the user's country will be displayed by default. There is also the option to deactivate this filter in the search screen.
- Soon we will add the option to enter manually the country of each user from "Modify my Data", right now the country is the one configured in Oruxmaps.
- Changes in the display screen when entering Sicami from Oruxmaps.
- Changes in the search screen when accessing from Oruxmaps.
- There is now a single Route Map, and once inside the screen you can select whether to view all routes or only your own routes.
- Improvements in the photo gallery of the routes: Possibility to rotate images, swipe with your finger on mobile phones, zoom with two fingers, etc.
- Small tweaks in route planner.
- Slight improvements in synchronisation with Oruxmaps.
- Users who have had a public route published in the last month and a half are shown less advertising.
- First approach to allow selection of map type / style in 3D view
- Correction of minor errors
- Changes in visual appearance
- Correction of minor errors
- Some improvements in the Route Map
- From today, Tags are now called Catalogues and have more relevance in Sicami.
- We now have the possibility to add our own and others' routes to a Catalogue.
- We have also added the option to show the avatar you have in Oruxmaps in Sicami. In addition to being able to change that avatar from Sicami.
- There are more changes to the Route Planner.
- Some minor errors are corrected.
- Following our philosophy of continuous improvement we have improved the method of ramp detection and the resolution of the calculation curves to obtain better values of our GRSic difficulty index, from today the values may vary slightly as some weight is subtracted from the acmululated fatigue due to the slope overcome.
- Since yesterday, the plans can be given a planned date of completion.
- Possibility that when uploading photographs if they have date and time coincident with those of the route that waypoints are added in the GPS position in which it was at the date and time of the photograph. This is only done if the photograph does NOT have GPS position and if it has a correct date and time.
- At the end of the 3D view playback, the photos that were not displayed during the route are shown.
- Possibility to change the elevations of the route for those obtained from DEM files.
- From today when photos are manually uploaded to a route from Sicami, if these photos are georeferenced (have gps position) a waypoint will be created in that route automatically, there is an option (checkbox) so that this is not done, but by default it is active that the waypoint is created
- The perceived difficulty is shown in the track list and in the track view, which is the difficulty that the user who owns the route has manually selected "Perceived Difficulty".
- In the 3D view the waypoint pictures are shown framed within the 3D figure of the waypoint.
- The image also shows the text of the Waypoint name
- Changes to the list of activities and plans screen, now showing an image with a map and the route. Other aesthetic changes have been made to this screen.
- When we are viewing an activity or plan, now the description is displayed below the entire screen, this is so that when there are long descriptions can be read more clearly, also by scrolling down, if the description is large enough, the map will be hidden to leave the entire screen to show the description.
- Changes are made to the 3D animated view of routes to make them more fluid.
- Translations into more languages are being added, so if you spot any errors and report them to us, we will correct the translation accordingly.
- Added the possibility to click on a user to see all the public routes that user has.
- In the search conditions a checkbox is added to show only routes containing a description.
- In the search conditions a checkbox is added to show only routes containing images.
- Added to the Statistics section the highlighted routes in the period, with more distance, elevation gain, longer duration, etc.
- Added weather information for activities, you can see the weather conditions from the start time of the activity to the end time (hour by hour).
- Added weather information for plans, you can view weather conditions from the current date to the next 10 days, and within each day you can select any time (hour by hour).
- More variety of kmz / kml files supported for uploading.
- SICAMI map URL compatible with being able to create a geointent to share position from OruxMaps with SICAMI and see the nearest routes around me without having to search from the web.{lat}&lon={lon}
- 3D view starts paused, you need to press play to start it.
- Multiple 3D view, with which you can make comparisons of several routes taken by different people on the same route or by the same person but at different times.
- Option to massively modifying the properties of the activities or plans has been added.
- Pantalla de Análisis detallado de la ruta, a esta pantalla se accede desde la pantalla de visualización de cada ruta, se muestra entre otra información un perfil sectoriizado de las pendientes de la ruta, índice de dificultad GRSic de la ruta, información de potencia para deportes sobre ruedas, etc.
- Initial page of Sicami is again the presentation of Sicami and not the activities, we undo the change that we made in previous versions because it was affecting us in the indexing of search engines such as Google.
- We added a mini html editor for the descriptions of the activities and plans. This way you can give some formatting to the descriptions and add links to external images.
- We added the possibility to see, modify and filter by "Difficulty" of the activity / plan.
- When entering the map in real time and creating a new route, the navigator will request authorization to "focus" the map on the GPS position returned by the navigator.
- Improvements in search filters.
- Other minor changes.
- From now on in the 3D animated view you can change the zoom, position and angle without needing to pause the animation.
- Now there is the possibility of uploading files and seeing that they only have Waypoints
- We clarify that in relation to Waypoints we still have a lot to do, for example being able to add a Waypoint from Sicami at a point that is not part of the route.
- The Activities section becomes the home page of Sicami. Content that was previously on the home page can be viewed in the main menu "About Sicami"
- The upload of KMZ and KML files is allowed, due to the wide variety of possible formats in the KMZ and KML files, please notify us of any incident.
- Added the ability to specify the start and end meters for each activity. If it is not specified, the values established in "Modify my Data" will be taken.
- The image display part of the activities or routes has been retouched.
- The possibility of being able to see from Google Maps the indications to reach the point of the route that is specified has been added. This is done in the following way: when we are viewing an activity or plan, we click on the Tools button, then, on the menu item that is displayed "How to get there" and immediately afterwards we will click on the point of the route we want See directions on Google Maps.
- Other minor changes.
- The automatic download time of Strava activities is uploaded to a check every 30 minutes.
- Usernames cannot match the names of other users.
- Some improvement on the 3D map.
- As of this morning, every 10 minutes, information on the city, province, etc., where the start of said route is located, is added to the routes that did not already have it.
- This information from the previous point is valid to search for routes with the search engine, now the search is done by two criteria: the routes that are within a 50KM radius of the coordinates that the geolocation service that we use gives to the name of the zone written in the "Zone..." box, in addition to that, all the routes will be searched in which the written text coincides with any of the cities, provinces, etc. assigned as indicated in the previous point. This is done in both cases when you write something in the "Zone (50km Radius)" box.
- The 3D view is now also available in Plans and in Activities that do not have a timestamp. The reproduction time is susceptible to improvement, which on some routes of not much distance may be excessive.
- The option in the 3D view to stop the execution of the playback and go to the beginning has been added.
- A new button has been added to show possible playback options for the route, for now there is only the option to stop the automatic 360º rotation.
- We reactivate the automatic import from Strava, we remind you that you have a box in Modify My Data
- The request limits imposed by Strava for the import of tracks mean that for now we are forced to deactivate the "Auto-import tracks from Strava" option. We have verified that the limitation of requests that a priori should be for each user, when requests are made in an automatic process from Sicami add up and the limit is reached too soon, harming even those who do not activate this option and want to import from Strava manually .
- Added the option to download Strava activities automatically. This option is activated from the user options "Modify my data", there we will have a new box called "Auto-import Strava tracls". When doing this, all the routes that each user has in Strava will be downloaded, be aware that they will have the same privacy that they have in Strava (private, friends or public).
The process is slow because Strava limits the number of requests every X time, so we make download requests every 10 minutes, this means that for someone who has a lot of activities on Strava it could take even more than a day.
On the other hand, we may later have to deactivate that option if we have any complaints from Strava, in the event that they consider us their competition. - By default, when a route is seen by its owner, it is shown completely, but when it is seen by someone who is not the owner, the first 400m and the final 400m are hidden.
This has always been the case, now we add the possibility that each user can specify the number of initial and final meters to hide. Later on we will also give the possibility that these initial and final meters can be specified for each route. - The hidden parts of the previous point when the route is seen by its owner are shown in gray.
- In the Map in Real Time we add a new box to the right of each "friend" to show or not the route that person has followed. The position and route followed will be shown only from the last 6 hours.
- The possibility has been added from the search for activities and plans to search for routes that are within a 50km radius of the written area (towns for example).
Places and landscapes that we must visit in the Iberian Peninsula
In this section we will be collecting sites and places that are worth visiting.
Do you know any? contact us to include it.
GR 11 Transpirenaica
The Trans-Pyrenees has a length of about 800 km between the Mediterranean Sea and the Cantabrian Sea on the southern slope of the Spanish Pyrenees.
The itinerary was approved as a long-distance path "GR 11" in 1985.
It can be done on foot, on horseback, or by mountain, gravel or even road bike as there are many variants.
The impressive landscapes that the Pyrenees offer us make this journey very interesting to consider.
But be careful, you have to be careful and plan it correctly, because the weather and the abruptness of the terrain can play a trick on us. Perhaps the infrastructures are not abundant enough to improvise on, for example, where to spend the night or where to replenish provisions.

La ruta se ha dividido tradicionalmente en 46 etapas:
Etapa 1: Cabo Higuer - Bera/Vera de Bidasoa
Etapa 2: Bera/Vera de Bidasoa - Elizondo
Etapa 3: Elizondo - Puerto de Urkiaga
Etapa 4: Puerto de Urkiaga - Burguete/Auritz
Etapa 5: Burguete/Auritz - Villanueva de Aezkoa/Hiriberri
Etapa 6: Villanueva de Aezkoa/Hiriberri - Ochagavía/Otsagabia
Etapa 7: Ochagavía/Otsagabia - Isaba/Izaba
Etapa 8: Isaba/Izaba - Zuriza
Etapa 9: Zuriza - Aguas Tuertas
Etapa 10: Aguas Tuertas - Refugio de Lizara
Etapa 11: Refugio de Lizara - Candanchú
Etapa 12: Candanchú - Sallent de Gállego
Etapa 13: Sallent de Gállego - Refugio de Respomuso
Etapa 14: Refugio de Respomuso - Balneario de Panticosa
Etapa 15: Balneario de Panticosa - San Nicolás de Bujaruelo
Etapa 16: San Nicolás de Bujaruelo - Refugio de Góriz
Etapa 17: Refugio de Góriz - Refugio de Pineta
Etapa 18: Refugio de Pineta - Parzán
Etapa 19: Parzán - Refugio de Biados
Etapa 20: Refugio de Biados - Puente de San Jaime
Etapa 21: Puente de San Jaime - Refugio de Cap de Llauset
Etapa 22: Refugio de Cap de Llauset - Refugio de Conangles
Etapa 23: Refugio de Conangles - Refugio de la Restanca
Etapa 24: Refugio de la Restanca - Refugio de Colomèrs
Etapa 25: Refugio de Colomèrs - Refugio Ernest Mallafré
Etapa 26: Refugio Ernest Mallafré - La Guingueta d'Àneu
Etapa 27: La Guingueta d'Àneu - Estaon
Etapa 28: Estaon - Tavascán
Etapa 29: Tavascán - Àreu
Etapa 30: Àreu - Refugio de Baiau
Etapa 31: Refugio de Baiau - Arans
Etapa 32: Arans - Encamp
Etapa 33: Encamp - Refugio de l'Illa
Etapa 34: Refugio de l'Illa - Refugio de Malniu
Etapa 35: Refugio de Malniu - Puigcerdà
Etapa 36: Puigcerdà - Planoles
Etapa 37: Planoles - Santuario de Nuria
Etapa 38: Santuario de Nuria - Refugio de Ulldeter
Etapa 39: Refugio de Ulldeter - Molló
Etapa 40: Molló - Talaixà
Etapa 41: Talaixà - Albanyàv Etapa 42: Albanyà - La Vajol
Etapa 43: La Vajol - Requessens
Etapa 44: Requessens - Vilamaniscle
Etapa 45: Vilamaniscle - Port de la Selva
Etapa 46: Port de la Selva - Cap de Creu
In this section we will be posting events of which we have news. Kedadas, marches, cycling tours, marathons, popular races, etc.
XXXIII Media Maratón de Torremolinos 2023
It will be held on Sunday, February 5, 2023.
Distance: 21km
Departure: 9:30 a.m. from the Ciudad de Torremolinos Municipal Stadium (Málaga)
The Torremolinos City Council, through its Sports Delegation, organizes the XXXIII City of Torremolinos Half Marathon, in which anyone who wants to, federated or not, can take part, provided they meet the requirements, on the day of the test.
101 km de Ronda
Unfortunately we have to announce that by the year 2023 the 101 km of Ronda (Málaga) will not be held since the Legion is carrying out a mission in Lebanon.
The 101 km of Ronda is a foot race that is held annually in the Spanish city of Ronda, in the province of Malaga. The race starts in the center of the city and follows a course through the nearby mountains, offering a breathtaking view of the Andalusian landscape.
The race was created in 2003 with the aim of promoting tourism in Ronda and in the province of Malaga. The idea came from a group of friends who wanted to share their love of hiking and running with others, and decided to create a race that would showcase the beauty of the region and challenge runners.
The race is one of the toughest in Spain, since the route includes several slopes and runs in a mountainous environment. Participants have a maximum of 30 hours to complete the race, and refreshments are provided at different points along the route to help them complete the distance.
The race is held every year in September and attracts runners from all over Spain and other countries. In addition to the main 101 km race, shorter distance races are also held for those who are not ready to run that distance or simply want to enjoy the beauty of the region.
In short, the Ronda 101km is a foot race held in the Spanish city of Ronda that offers a physical challenge and stunning scenery. If you like to run and want to experience a different race, maybe you should consider signing up for the 101 km of Ronda!
La Desértica Almería
As soon as we have news, if it is held, the 2023 edition we will inform you
La Desértica de Almería is a hiking and trail running race that is held annually in the province of Almería, in Spain. The race takes place in a unique environment, the Tabernas desert, which offers a surprising and challenging landscape.
The Desértica de Almería consists of several tests of different distances, from short tests for beginners to ultra-distance tests for more experienced runners. The main race is 70km and runs on a single day, but there are also two-day and three-day options for those who want to challenge themselves even more.
The race is held in the month of April and attracts runners from all over Spain and other countries. Participants have to deal with harsh conditions, such as extreme heat and steep drops, but the beauty of the desert and the camaraderie between the runners make it worth the effort.
In summary, La Desértica de Almería is a hiking and trail running race that takes place in the Tabernas desert in Spain. It offers different distances and a unique environment, and attracts runners from all over Spain and other countries. If you like trail running and want to challenge your body and mind, maybe you should consider signing up for La Desértica de Almería!
The Desértica de Almería also has a mountain bike event, which is held together with the hiking and trail running events. The mountain bike race is a three-day stage race that runs through the Tabernas desert in Almería.
The La Desértica de Almería mountain bike race offers a physical and technical challenge, as participants must tackle long distances, steep slopes and technical terrain. The race is held in the month of April, and the participants have to face harsh conditions, such as extreme heat and strong wind.
The La Desértica de Almería mountain bike race attracts cyclists from all over Spain and other countries. In addition to the competition, there are also options for shorter and less demanding routes for those who want to enjoy the desert on a bike without so much pressure.
In short, La Désértica de Almería also offers a mountain bike race that runs through the Tabernas desert in Almería. The event is a three-day stage race and offers a physical and technical challenge for experienced cyclists. If you like mountain biking and want to experience the Tabernas desert, maybe you should consider signing up for the La Desértica de Almería mountain bike trial!
XIII Carrera Popular 10K del Roscón
This race marked in recent years by COVID-19, will be held normally again in January 2023.
Date: January 29, 2023
Location: Torre del Agua in the Zaragozano del Agua Park
Distance: 10Km