Real Time Map Manual

Date: 19/11/2022 Author: Sicami

Location of travel friends

With the real-time map feature you can see your friends' location at all times on the Real-time Map page .

From this screen you will be able to see the real-time location of your travel friends, we remind you that to add friends you have to go to "My account" then click on "My friends" and then accept someone's friend request or copy the link to send it to him and have him accept the friend request.

This function can also be very useful when you go out alone, and you want someone with access to your username and password from the Sicami Tracks website to be able to see your location at all times. receive it much faster.

Share location with Oruxmaps

In order for the location of you and your friends to be visible on the map in real time, you and your friends must use OruxMaps, and it must be correctly configured to share the location with friends. It is the Oruxmaps application that sends your location and that of your friends. Oruxmaps, in addition to sending the location, will receive the information of where your friends are and will show it on the screen.

Choose the visibility of each friend

In the side panel of this page you can select which friends to see and which not.


Real Time Map Example


Thinking about your privacy, keep in mind that you will only be able to see the location of people who have accepted you as a friend, and also who have authorized you to see their location.

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