Types of maps that can be used in Oruxmaps

Fecha: 19/11/2022 Autor: Sicami

There is a wide variety of maps that can be used in applications such as Oruxmaps, which makes it difficult to classify the types of maps according to a single criterion, which is why we are going to present several possible classifications of maps.

We take this opportunity to leave this link to an article where there is some information about where to get maps for Oruxmpas: https://sicami.com/article/un-poco-de-todo/mapas-oruxmaps/edit

Classification 1 (Offline / Online)

Online Maps

These are maps that need an internet connection to use them. They have the advantage that they do not take up much storage space on our device.

-WMS Maps (Web Map Service) 

-WMTS Maps (Web Map Tile Service)


Differences between WMS and WMTS

WMS: a service designed to obtain maps and layers in image format. WMTS: standard for serving and obtaining georeferenced map tiles over the network. WCS:

WMTS: delivers tiles (mainly with a size of 256x256 pixels), while WMS delivers one image per request.


The main difference between WMS and WMTS is the way the map data is delivered to the client. WMS delivers map data as a single image that is rendered in an ad hoc manner, while WMTS delivers map data as a set of tiles.

This can make WMTS more efficient at displaying large areas of the map, especially at high zoom levels, but it can also make it less flexible, as the available map scales and projections are limited to those that have been previously rendered as tiles.

Offline Maps

These are maps that do not require an internet connection to be used. They have the disadvantage that they tend to take up a lot of storage space on our device. In addition to that we will have to perform some kind of more or less manual process to load / use that map on our device.

Classification 2 (Raster / vector)

Raster maps

These are georeferenced bitmap images. That is, it is an image file that is assigned coordinates so that it is displayed in the correct location when opened with an application.


Raster files are characterised by the existence of a grid of cells or grids, more commonly known as pixels, in which each grid or pixel has a spatial quality or property (colour, altitude, etc.).


Vector maps

Geographic features are represented by three basic structures: points, lines and polygons. For example, a line representing a street may contain information about its name, colour, or type of terrain.

Vector maps / files usually take up considerably less space than raster maps / files, but raster models represent reality better and are often more effective for three-dimensional representations.


Classification 3 (Topographic / Orthophoto / Road / Hybrid)


Map that represents the terrain, usually by means of contour lines, and can include all kinds of useful information about the area (roads, peaks, springs...). They are the most suitable maps for outdoor activities such as hiking or mountain biking. They can be raster or vectorial.


Aerial image of the terrain, without added information. They are raster maps. 


Map that includes specific information about roads and is especially suitable for urban navigation. In general these are vector maps. TomTom maps are the best example. TwoNav's OSM maps could also fall into this category, although they can also be considered topographic and the road information is not as optimised as in TomTom.


These are usually maps that combine the image of the terrain with information on city names, roads, etc.


In the following link we provide you with information on where to get maps and other resources for Oruxmpas:


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